An ERP with an integrated website (CMS): Gimmick or Game-Changer?

An ERP that includes an integrated website management module offers an all-in-one solution for managing both your business processes and your online presence. In this article, we will show you how integrating a website directly into your ERP can transform your business operations, simplify your web content management, and strengthen your marketing strategies.

ERP and CMS: Everything You Need to Know

Enterprise Ressource Planning or ERP

If you’re a regular reader of our blogs, you should already understand what an ERP is. If not, don’t worry, we’re here to explain it to you! An ERP is essentially a solution to manage all aspects of your business life. And it does all this with a single, unified platform! Sounds magical, right?

Content Management System or CMS

As for the CMS, it’s an essential tool for designing a website without any coding knowledge. You can customize your site with your preferred colors and styles, create a blog, design an e-shop, and add many other exciting features. You may already be familiar with some CMS options, at least by name, like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla. However, these solutions only handle website creation. If you want to integrate the data into your business management software, you will need to enlist professionals to create connectors between your website and your management software.

When used separately, these two types of software help you enhance your business operations and overall management. So, just imagine the benefits they can bring when combined.

You dreamed it, Odoo made it happen! It’s the perfect example of an ERP with its own CMS. We already discussed it in this article for those who want to discover Odoo, an ERP with its own web management module. This simple and effective CMS makes website creation accessible to everyone!


Perfect Integration and Synchronization

An ERP with an integrated website (CMS) requires neither APIs nor connectors; everything is pre-configured and ready to work together seamlessly. This allows the CMS to synchronize in real-time with the modules of the integrated management software, such as accounting, inventory, and more. As a result, all necessary data is instantly available across the various ERP features.

Example of an order process on an eShop connected to your ERP

  1. The administrator adds a product to the ERP's product database.
  2. The webmaster adds this product to the website and its eShop with a single click, as the product details are already integrated into the ERP database.
  3. The customer adds the product to their cart and makes the payment online directly:
    1. The order is automatically generated in the ERP
    2. Inventory levels are automatically updated, ensuring that availability information is always up-to-date for both customers and the management team
    3. The invoice is automatically generated, recorded, and sent to the customer
  4. Once the product is shipped, all logistics updates are automatically reflected in the ERP and communicated to the customer through their dedicated interface on the website.

Example of a lead generation form

  1. The visitor submits a contact form or request for a quote on your website.
  2. Instead of being sent via email to the sales team and potentially lost among other incoming emails, the request is automatically created as an opportunity in the CRM, with all necessary alerts for your sales team to ensure the request is processed.
  3. Sales representatives can track, communicate with the client, provide a quote, and progress the request directly within the CRM, ensuring no information or leads are lost.
  4. The client can track the progress of their request through a dedicated client portal on the website.

Time Saving and Efficiency

Centralizing data in one system allows significant time savings for businesses. All essential information is consolidated in one place, eliminating the need to navigate between different systems or databases. Centralized information promotes:

  • Quick access to data,
  • Coordination among different teams,
  • Reduced risk of errors related to duplication or loss of information.

A website that evolves with your ERP

Let's take the example of Odoo and its Odoo Website module. Thanks to its extensive community and application marketplace, Odoo enables you to enhance your ERP while simultaneously enriching your website.

  • The Jobs module allows the ERP to create HR positions within your company. By integrating this module with your Odoo website, you can publish job openings directly on your site. Candidates can apply online, and their applications are immediately recorded and managed within your ERP. This simplifies the recruitment process and enables more efficient management of applications.
  • The eShop module is another excellent example. It allows you to publish and organize your online store using the product database directly from your ERP. This means there is a single source of data for inventory, avoiding errors and inconsistencies. When an order is placed, it is automatically integrated into the ERP's invoicing process. This is crucial as many have encountered issues with online invoicing or tracking invoice codes. By being connected to your ERP, your invoice orders remain accurate, eliminating the need for a separate accounting account and reducing the risk of billing errors.
  • The Dealer Locator module is also very useful. It allows you to maintain an up-to-date list of dealers on your website. By integrating this module with your ERP, you ensure that information about your dealers is constantly synchronized with your internal database. This enables customers to easily find the nearest dealer or one that best meets their specific needs by consulting an interactive map or a filterable list on your website. This not only enhances the visibility of your dealers but also improves the overall user experience.
  • The Reseller Portal is another valuable feature. This module provides your dealer partners with personalized and secure access to crucial information. They can view their orders, check stock levels, access marketing or technical documents, and even place orders directly through the portal. By centralizing these interactions within your ERP, you streamline partner relationship management and ensure smooth and effective communication.
  • The Ticketing module enhances customer support and after-sales service management. When a customer submits a support request via your website, it is immediately recorded in the ERP. Tickets can be categorized, prioritized, and automatically assigned to the appropriate agents. Customers can track the progress of their requests in real-time through the customer portal, improving transparency and customer satisfaction. Moreover, by integrating the ticketing module with your ERP, you can analyse support data to identify trends, recurring issues, and improvement opportunities.

The mentioned modules are just a few examples among many others, demonstrating how an adaptable website synchronized with your ERP offers flexibility and efficiency. Your website's capabilities can be effortlessly expanded by simply integrating new modules into your ERP. This not only enhances internal management but also provides a better user experience while ensuring consistency and data accuracy across all your operations.

Unification of your marketing efforts

Improvement of the Customer and/or Reseller Experience

By leveraging customer data stored in the ERP, you can personalize the content displayed on your website. Analyzing previous purchases, browsing behaviors, and preferences allows you to offer tailored product recommendations, targeted promotions, and personalized messages. This customization enhances engagement and conversion rates, providing a bespoke customer experience.

Automation of processes is another crucial advantage. By automating marketing interactions and follow-ups, the customer journey becomes smoother and frictionless. For example, when a customer fills out an information request form, the ERP can automatically send a confirmation email or create a lead in the CRM. This ensures immediate responsiveness and maintains customer engagement throughout their journey.


Finally, ERP-CMS integration allows total accessibility to data, facilitating the management of essential information. For instance, for resellers, it becomes easy to integrate a supplier portal where they can access all necessary data for their activities, such as stock levels, prices, ongoing promotions, and order histories. This accessibility simplifies their management, enhances their efficiency, and improves their satisfaction.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMO (Social Media Optimization) tools

Centralized SEO tools enhance your online visibility directly from the ERP. You can optimize keywords, manage meta tags, and integrate tools to track SEO performance from a single interface, simplifying campaign management and improving search engine rankings.

For SMO, integrating social media management features allows you to plan and publish content directly from your ERP, eliminating the need to separately access each social media platform. This enables you to cross-reference and analyze all available analytics data within your ERP to evaluate engagement. It helps maintain a consistent social media presence and optimize your campaigns effectively.

Marketing automation

Email marketing automation is a powerful feature that automates the sending of various marketing messages based on prospect or customer behaviors and interactions, such as form submissions or whitepaper downloads. This functionality not only facilitates sending welcome emails and nurturing campaigns with personalized and targeted messages but also enables analysis of campaign performance through metrics like open rates and conversion rates. By integrating marketing automation into an ERP with a website (CMS), businesses can streamline their marketing processes, enhance message personalization, and optimize their strategies to maximize efficiency and profitability.

Let's consider the example of a B2B website launched on the Odoo ERP/CMS. Odoo offers an option to identify companies visiting your site via their IP address and automatically create an opportunity in the CRM module of your ERP. By integrating these features with marketing automation, you can trigger a series of marketing actions even before your sales team takes over, allowing you to identify new leads and increase your sales numbers in the long term.


With smooth integration, centralized data, and scalable features, an ERP with an integrated CMS enables you to save time and enhance customer experience. By consolidating your marketing efforts and leveraging centralized SEO and SMO tools, you can also maximize your online presence and grow your business more cohesively. If you're ready to transform your business management and invest in an integrated solution, an ERP with a CMS is the ideal answer.

Contact us to integrate ERP into your system today!

Captivea, as leader of Odoo implementation worldwide is the best partner that you can choose!

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ERP: the essential tool for maximizing your data utilization