odoo apps - Auto cancel purchase order

With Auto-Cancel Purchase Order by Captivea, enhance key aspects of your order management: administrative workload, costs associated with unnecessary orders, and synchronization between sales and purchase orders. This module automates the cancellation of purchase orders linked to canceled sales orders, particularly in cases of dropshipping or restocking and purchasing.

  • Supported Odoo versions: 
    • Odoo 16
    • Odoo 17
    • Odoo 18
  • Availability:
    • Odoo. sh
    • On Premise
  • Dependencies:
    • Sales (Sale Management)
    • Purchase
    • Invoicing (Account)
    • Discuss (mail)
    • Inventory (Stock)

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The Auto Cancel Purchase Order app automates the cancellation of purchase orders linked to sales orders, specifically for dropshipping and Make-to-Order (MTO) replenishment routes. This app ensures that when a sales order is canceled, the corresponding purchase orders or dropshipping orders are automatically canceled, maintaining consistency and preventing errors in the procurement process. In default Odoo, purchase orders must be canceled manually.

Key features

  • When a sales order is cancelled, the app automatically cancels the associated dropship purchase order or replenishment order. The same logic applies to purchase orders created for MTO routes.
  • Reduces the risk of having unneeded or erroneous orders in the system.
  • Speeds up the process and minimizes the potential for human error.

What is it?

Auto-Cancel Purchase Order is the module you need to efficiently automate order cancellations in dropshipping (direct delivery sales) or make-to-order (MTO) manufacturing. When a sales order is canceled, the module immediately deactivates the corresponding purchase order, freeing up your staff from administrative burdens and reducing the costs associated with these time-consuming tasks.

To ensure optimal process management, the Auto-Cancel Purchase Order module seamlessly integrates with four Odoo modules: Sales, Purchase, Invoicing, Discuss, and Inventory. When a sales order is canceled, the Inventory module instantly adjusts the stock levels of the affected products, ensuring inventory accuracy.

Key benefits:

  • Automated order cancellation: Automatically cancels purchase orders for drop-shipping or Make-to-Order (MTO) sales orders, saving time and reducing manual work.
  • Reduced administrative overhead: Frees up staff from manual cancellations, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks and reducing administrative costs.
  • Increased operational efficiency: Ensures prompt cancellation of irrelevant orders, streamlining order management and improving workflow efficiency.
  • Improved Sales-Inventory coordination: Maintains alignment between sales orders and inventory by canceling unneeded purchase orders for MTO and drop-shipping products.

How this Odoo app work?

  1. When a Sales Order is confirmed by selection routes like dropshipping or on Order MTO, the purchase order is automatically created.
  2. Once you cancel the sales order, it will automatically cancel the purchase order.