odoo apps - Inventory Location

The Inventory Location module for Odoo allows you to hide certain storage locations in the inventory to improve organization and data accuracy. This feature reduces errors related to inactive locations and provides flexibility to reactivate storage areas as needed. Hidden locations can be accessed through custom filters for specific reports or needs. This module is compatible with Odoo.sh and On-Premise.

  • Supported Odoo versions: 
    • Odoo 16
    • Odoo 17
    • Odoo 18
  • Availability:
    • Odoo.sh
    • On Premise
  • Dependencies:
    • Discuss Module
    • Inventory Module

Find this module on Odoo Apps Store 


The Inventory Location app provides enhanced control over inventory management by allowing administrators to hide specific storage locations. This functionality ensures that users can only access relevant and authorized locations, improving security and reducing errors in inventory operations.

Key features

  • Hidden locations are effectively concealed from general users, ensuring they cannot utilize these locations in operations like transfers or stock moves.
  • Provides controlled access for authorized users to view and manage hidden locations when necessary, ensuring operational flexibility.
  • Hidden locations will no longer appear in standard inventory operations, maintaining access control.

What is it?

The Inventory Location module offers precise and flexible management of storage locations within your inventory. By hiding inactive or reserved locations, it streamlines the stock management interface, displaying only the relevant areas for daily operations. This helps prevent usage errors or misplacement of products, ensuring that stock movements occur only in valid and accessible locations.

Key benefits:

  • Stock control and organization: A clear and structured list of active locations reduces clutter and simplifies navigation to frequently used areas.
  • Accuracy and error reduction: By hiding inactive or reserved storage zones, the module prevents user mistakes and ensures reliable stock movements.
  • Operational flexibility: Hidden locations can be easily reactivated as needed, offering adaptable management in line with changing logistical requirements.
  • Access via custom filters: Although hidden from everyday operations, locations remain accessible for reporting or audits through specific filters.

This module is ideal for businesses managing complex or large inventories. Compatible with Odoo.sh and On Premise, it suits a wide range of industries.

How this Odoo app work?

  1. After installing the app, enable the storage locations from inventory setting.
  2. Now, go to the specific location which you want to hide open the location, in additional information there is one new option hide location.
  3. Once you have checked the box, the location will be hidden. If you want to check your hidden locations, go back in the form of the tree of locations and use the search filter "Access hidden locations". All hidden locations will be visible.