ODOO APPS - Show assets on purchase

Purchase Assets, a module designed by Captivea, is the ideal solution to simplify and optimize the management of your assets related to purchase orders in Odoo. Leverage its features to easily access the list of assets associated with a purchase order, ensuring better accounting management and compliance.

  • Supported Odoo versions: 
    • Odoo 16
    • Odoo 17
    • Odoo 18
  • Availability:
    • Odoo. sh
    • On Premise
  • Dependencies:
    • Inventory (Stock)
    • Invoicing (Account)
    • Purchase
    • Discuss (mail)

Find this module on Odoo Apps Store 


The Show Assets on Purchase app enhances the purchasing workflow by providing users with a seamless way to view and manage assets linked to a purchase order. This app is designed to simplify the tracking and management of assets associated with purchase transactions, ensuring greater visibility and control throughout the procurement process.

Key features

  • Easily integrates into the purchase order process, allowing users to link assets directly to purchase orders.
  • Features a smart Assets button on the purchase order page.
  • Improves asset tracking for auditing, depreciation, and overall asset management.

What is it?

With Purchase Assets, track the assets associated with each purchase order with precision, systematically. After the purchase and invoice validation, the app automatically identifies the associated assets, preventing manual errors and omissions.

The Purchase Assets module provides greater transparency by establishing a clear link between purchases and the associated assets. With this comprehensive and detailed view, the module helps accelerate audits by simplifying the compliance and verification process. Even better, making decisions related to procurement and asset lifecycle management becomes easier by analyzing purchase orders linked to the assets.

Key benefits:

  • Clear Asset tracking : Provides a detailed list of assets tied to each purchase order, making it easier to monitor asset acquisitions.
  • Enhanced visibility : Offers transparency in asset management by showing the direct link between purchases and their associated assets.
  • Efficient audits : Speeds up audits with a comprehensive view of purchased assets, streamlining compliance and verification processes.
  • Enhanced purchase order management : Gives purchase managers a clear view of which orders have associated assets, aiding in procurement and asset lifecycle decisions.

How this Odoo app work?

  1. After installation, go to Accounting. Configure the Asset Model & COA Fixed Asset (as per the requirement) then set the Automation Rule. Go to Purchase Order => RFQ => fill out required data, confirm the order and receive the product.
  2. Now, click on "Create bill", set the proper account on the vendor bill and confirm it.
  3. Come back to purchase order, the "Assets smart" button is there to view related assets.