Our References

Trusted by millions worldwide

We are high-end cleaning and maintenance experts for private and commercial buildings. Our clientele consists of individuals and professionals in Luxembourg and neighboring regions. With 15 years of experience as a leader, we work in collaboration with renowned craftsmen and reputable professionals to ensure services of impeccable quality.
ALMA a.s.b.l.
ALMA a.s.b.l. Other Services
Founded in 2005, ALMA (Association Luxembourgeoise de la Médiation et des Médiateurs Agréés) brings together mediation services in Luxembourg, uniting mediators in various fields such as family, criminal, commercial, and education. Its goal is to improve the quality of mediation. In addition to mediators, other professionals collaborate to promote this practice. The 2021 Annual General Meeting was held by remote voting, in accordance with the exceptional measures adopted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
AZAP - Brand your items
AZAP - Brand your items Other Services
AZAP offers a wide range of customizable business gifts and promotional items at attractive prices. Working with ethically selected partners, they provide tailored solutions, ranging from personalization to comprehensive services such as import/export and graphic design.
AlloServices.lu Other Services
AlloServices.lu is a handyman company founded in 2009. Our team offers small jobs for both individuals and businesses. We guarantee quality workmanship. We operate throughout Luxembourg City and the surrounding municipalities.
Ashanti's Beauty
Ashanti's Beauty Other Services
Ashanti'S is a company specialized in wellness in Luxembourg.
Susana, the director, offers home & institute treatments for Seniors & People with Reduced Mobility.
Autrement Sàrl
Autrement Sàrl Other Services
Domitille Desrousseaux (manager of Autrement SARL) is dedicated to helping adults find happiness and balance between their professional and family lives. By emphasizing self-esteem and self-awareness development, she encourages emotional management and the satisfaction of individual needs. By identifying and overcoming personal obstacles, she promotes inner harmony and authentic self-expression. Through promoting a healthy self-esteem, the approach aims to enhance family, friendship, and professional relationships, facilitating personal fulfillment and fostering sincere and compassionate communication.
BSPK Other Services
BSPK is an independent consulting firm based in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and active both locally and abroad.
BSPK's mission is to serve and listen to companies wishing to develop their potential. Our mission is primarily human, resolutely strategic and pragmatically organizational.
Dare&Grow Other Services
We support individuals and businesses in their professional development through coaching. While your expertise is essential for success and fulfillment in your professional life, simply knowing what you are aiming for, why and how you will achieve it will help you reach your full potential.
Legitech Other Services
Legitech aimed to expand into the Belgian market leveraging Anthemis's strong brand recognition. Anthemis, in turn, sought to continue its technological and editorial advancements. Their merger has created a comprehensive multi-channel editorial offering in the legal and professional publishing sector. The LEA Group aims to strengthen its presence in Europe while maintaining a local approach, with a vision to create and disseminate high-quality content.
Recyfina Other Services
Recyfina is the parent company of a group of businesses specializing in real estate and recycling, operating across the three borders. It stands out for its expertise in aggregates, as well as in the recycling of iron and metals, contributing to sustainable resource management. With its know-how, Recyfina plays a key role in these rapidly growing sectors.