With SugarCRM, your sales team, marketing and support collaborate on the same software throughout the customer journey. Your workforce will have access to the right information at the right moment. SugarCRM is a flexible and evolutive CRM Software.

Captivea: SugarCRM Expert
With 14 years of experience with SugarCRM, we help companies deploy SugarCRM:

SugarCRM Installation
Deployment of SugarCRM in your company.

SugarCRM Customization
Your CRM will be customized to match your current process and needs.

SugarCRM Training
Your team will be trained by our certified SugarCRM consultant.

SugarCRM Support
You can contact our support team to help you to use SugarCRM

SugarCRM development
Our SugarCRM certified developers will develop the modules you need.

SugarCRM Hosting
We provide SugarCRM Hosting to improve your experience.

You already use SugarCRM?
We can help support your current CRM with our expertise. We can also manage the hosting and licensing.
Contact USCaptivea : SugarCRM Partner

Captivea is a SugarCRM Partner for 2009. We deployed more than 150 CRM SugarCRM. Our CRM expertise on this product gave us multiple awards from SugarCRM : Top Partner, Top contributor, Partner of the month.